Introducing LandOS

Originating carbon financed nature projects

Introducing LandOS

An overwhelming scientific consensus is that we must reduce carbon emissions by 50% by 2030. A recent study shows that nature-based climate solutions could provide 37% of our needed emissions reductions by 2030. The private sector has set aside vast amounts of capital to offset its emissions voluntarily. Unfortunately, the market has two problems. Firstly, insufficient money flows into ecological restoration and conservation to meet our 1.5C degree targets. Second, organizations creating ecological restoration or conservation projects need support in developing their operations, securing funding, and delivering credits. Earthshot Labs is solving these problems by developing technology, project development solutions, and unique partnership models to scale ecosystem restoration worldwide.

What does LandOS do?

We've gathered a world-class team of quantitative ecologists, machine learning engineers, land restoration practitioners, and carbon market experts to build LandOS, a comprehensive science-driven technology platform. LandOS uses state-of-the-art machine learning to provide ecological forecasts of biomass growth, nature risk assessment, and carbon storage potential for any land parcel on earth.

LandOS identifies reforestable area

LandOS is a complete project development platform for land stewards to originate carbon credits.

For project proponents, LandOS and our operations team provide a suite of tools to ready each restoration and conservation projects for investment, then implementation and certification. We provide financial modeling, regulatory compliance, certification compliance, implementation risk analysis, community benefit sharing plans, ecological forecasting, and more.

Empowering Communities on the Ground

At Earthshot Labs, we are committed to making this market happen in a socially equitable way for land stewards, project proponents, and communities on the ground. One of the problems organizations creating a carbon project face is the asymmetry of financial literacy and carbon development expertise. We've created a unique partnership model wherein our partners can create a customized financial investment structure tailored to their project needs, free from any pressures of someone trying to make a quick buck at their expense. When our partners are ready, we help them secure funding from mission-aligned investors or corporates to finance the project on fair terms to all stakeholders. Once invested, we support our project partners to achieve full certification and provide ongoing implementation support to ensure that the project achieves positive environmental and social outcomes.

LandOS presents a portfolio of vetted carbon projects to a potential investor. We build a thorough and tailored investment case for each project designed to answer all the questions you may have. Our global network of trusted implementation partners has undergone a rigorous acceptance process, only being included in our portfolio when we are sure they will reliably execute their project.

Mobilizing Ecological Restoration & Conservation

Humanity has understood that we need to restore nature at a rapid pace and global scale. The needs of local communities, wildlife, water access, and other ecosystems must be a part of every project; we can't simply focus on carbon and be successful in responding to the needs of our time. By accelerating the development and financing of ecological restoration and conservation projects worldwide, we intend to catalyze the largest environmental restoration movement in world history on fair terms for all stakeholders and the land itself. Please partner with us if you share our view that ethical and equitable relationships are the key to meeting our climate goals and achieving positive environmental and social outcomes.

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